Results for 'Craig F. Knoche'

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  1.  21
    Leibniz' doctrine of super-essentialism and world-bound individuals.Craig F. Knoche - unknown
  2.  24
    Spinal conditioning.Michael M. Patterson, Craig F. Cegavske & Richard F. Thompson - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 1 (2):139-140.
  3.  17
    A clarion call or a swan song? Commentary: A crisis in comparative psychology: where have all the undergraduates gone?Craig F. Bielert & Andrew C. Gallup - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    End of Life: Resuscitation, Fluids and Feeding, and ‘Palliative Sedation’.R. Hain & F. Craig - 2021 - In Nico Nortjé & Johan C. Bester, Pediatric Ethics: Theory and Practice. Springer Verlag. pp. 239-252.
    In this chapter, we consider how a commitment to acting in a child’s interestsChild's interests can be brought to bear on three specific ethical quandaries that face those caring for children at the end of lifeEnd-of-life, and how such a commitment might seem to cohere or be in tension with other principles such as autonomyAutonomy and justiceJustice. We examine the status of ‘do not resuscitateDo Not Resuscitate ’ orders in children and argue that they cannot exist in children in the (...)
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    Characteristics of deaths occurring in hospitalised children: changing trends.P. Ramnarayan, F. Craig, A. Petros & C. Pierce - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (5):255-260.
    Background: Despite a gradual shift in the focus of medical care among terminally ill patients to a palliative model, studies suggest that many children with life-limiting chronic illnesses continue to die in hospital after prolonged periods of inpatient admission and mechanical ventilation.Objectives: To examine the characteristics and location of death among hospitalised children, investigate yearwise trends in these characteristics and test the hypothesis that professional ethical guidance from the UK Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health would lead to significant (...)
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  6. Rem B. Edwards: "Pleasures and Pains - A Theory of Qualitative Hedonism". [REVIEW]Craig Knoche - 1981 - The Thomist 45 (1):170.
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  7. Benson Mates: "Skeptical Essays". [REVIEW]Craig Knoche - 1983 - The Thomist 47 (3):448.
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    Eyeblink conditioning, motor control, and the analysis of limbic-cerebellar interactions.Craig Weiss & John F. Disterhoft - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (3):479-481.
    Several target articles in this BBS special issue address the topic of cerebellar and olivary functions, especially as they pertain to motor earning. Another important topic is the neural interaction between the limbic system and the cerebellum during associative learning. In this commentary we present some of our data on olivo-cerebellar and limbic-cerebellar interactions during eyeblink conditioning. [HOUK et al.; SIMPSON et al.; THACH].
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    Group selection or categorical perception?Craig T. Palmer, B. Eric Fredrickson & Christopher F. Tilley - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (4):780-780.
    Humans appear to be possible candidates for group selection because they are often said to live in bands, clans, and tribes. These terms, however, are only names for conceptual categories of people. They do not designate enduring bounded gatherings of people that might be “vehicles of selection.” Hence, group selection has probably not been a major force in human evolution.
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    (1 other version)Cultivating Curious and Creative Minds: The Role of Teachers and Teacher Educators, Part I.Cheryl J. Craig & Louise F. Deretchin (eds.) - 2009 - R&L Education.
    Presents a plethora of approaches to developing human potential in areas not conventionally addressed. Organized in two parts, this international collection of essays provides viable educational alternatives to those currently holding sway in an era of high-stakes accountability.
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    Business Meta-Ethics: An Analysis of Two Theories.F. Neil Brady & Craig P. Dunn - 1995 - Business Ethics Quarterly 5 (3):386-398.
    Abstract:The main purpose of this paper is to defend traditional ethical theory (utilitarianism and deontology) for its application in business against a more recent model consisting of utility, rights, and justice. This is done in three parts: First, we provide a conceptual argument for the superiority of the traditional model; second, we demonstrate these points through an examination of three short cases; and third, we argue for the capability of the traditional model to account for universais and particulars in ethics.
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    Right From the Start: The Association Between Ethical Leadership, Trust Primacy, and Customer Loyalty.Craig Crossley, Shannon G. Taylor, Robert C. Liden, David Wo & Ronald F. Piccolo - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-18.
    Extending ethical leadership theory and research beyond the walls of the organization, we propose a spillover model wherein ethical leaders impact customer loyalty (i.e., repeat purchase amount) by first establishing trusting relations with employees, who in turn emulate their leaders’ ethical behavior. In Study 1, we examined how this initial trust (i.e., trust primacy) facilitates new employees’ moral imprinting in a controlled experiment. In Study 2, with a field design, we tested our model among new employees and their respective customers (...)
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  13. Treatment of deep carious lesions by complete excavation or partial removal.Craig R. G. Van Thompson, F. A. Curro, W. S. Green & J. A. Ship - 2008 - A Critical Review. Jada 139:705-711.
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    A classically conditionable skeletal response can be acquired with a discriminated punishment contingency.William F. Prokasy, Craig G. Clark, William C. Williams & Charles W. Spurr - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 4 (6):551-553.
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    The power of norms to sway fused group members.Winnifred R. Louis, Craig McGarty, Emma F. Thomas, Catherine E. Amiot & Fathali M. Moghaddam - 2018 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41:e209.
    Whitehouse adapts insights from evolutionary anthropology to interpret extreme self-sacrifice through the concept of identity fusion. The model neglects the role of normative systems in shaping behaviors, especially in relation to violent extremism. In peaceful groups, increasing fusion will actually decrease extremism. Groups collectively appraise threats and opportunities, actively debate action options, and rarely choose violence toward self or others.
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    Last Hours of Life: Encouraging End-of-Life Conversations.Benjamin F. Stump, Craig M. Klugman & Barbara Thornton - 2008 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 19 (2):150-159.
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    (1 other version)Social coordination in animal vocal interactions. Is there any evidence of turn-taking? The starling as an animal model.Laurence Henry, Adrian J. F. K. Craig, Alban Lemasson & Martine Hausberger - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  18. The Tanner lectures on human values.William G. Bowen, Craig J. Calhoun, Michael Ignatieff, F. M. Kamm, Claude Lanzmann, Robert Post, Michael J. Sandel & Mark Matheson (eds.) - 2014 - Salt Lake City: The University of Utah Press.
    Volume 39 of the Tanner Lectures on Human Values includes lectures initially scheduled during the academic year 2019-2020. Owing to the global coronavirus pandemic, some were delivered at a later date. The Tanner Lectures are published in an annual volume. In addition to permanent lectures at nine universities, the Tanner Lectures on Human Values funds special one-time lectures at selected higher educational institutions in the United States and around the world.
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  19. Guest Reviewers 2003.Adams Marilyn, Adolph Karen, F. X. Alario, Armstrong Craig, Arnold Jennifer, Ashcraft Mark, Avrahami Judith, Baayen Harald, Baker Mark & Balaban Evan - 2004 - Cognition 93:259-261.
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    The anonymous progymnasmata in John Doxapatres' Homiliae in Aphthonium.Craig A. Gibson - 2009 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 102 (1):83-94.
    This article examines the anonymous progymnasmata in John Doxapatres' commentary on Aphthonius' Progymnasmata for evidence about their authorship, origin, and relations to other progymnasmata. These exercises include three chreias, a refutation and confirmation of the myth of Ganymedes, an encomium and invective of Agamemnon, a comparison of the grapevine and olive tree, and an ethopoeia on the deposition of the emperor Michael V Kalaphates. In addition to providing a formal rhetorical analysis of the exercises, the article offers further support for (...)
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    Remembering facts versus feelings in the wake of political events.Linda J. Levine, Gillian Murphy, Heather C. Lench, Ciara M. Greene, Elizabeth F. Loftus, Carla Tinti, Susanna Schmidt, Barbara Muzzulini, Rebecca Hofstein Grady, Shauna M. Stark & Craig E. L. Stark - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion:1-20.
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  22.  26
    Implementing Service Learning in the 21st Century.Ann Buchholtz, Mary-Ellen Boyle, Craig Dunn, Larry Lad & John F. Mahon - 2005 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 16:361-362.
    Economic growth requires a focus on building the assets of the poor, a strategic approach that is considerably broader than developing the poor only asconsumers and workers. The long-term sustainability of business and society will be enhanced if corporate investments that impact on poverty alleviation are far reaching, multi-faceted, and built through multi-sector partnerships. Emerging evidence indicates that corporations are increasingly involved on two important fronts: directly investing in ways that reduce poverty, and advocating for public policy investments to build (...)
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  23.  21
    Longing for the Good: The Growth of Moral Order in the Ethics of F. H. Bradley.Craig Steven Green - 1993 - Dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
    Bradley's critique of abstract, atomic individualism in social and political theory addresses persistent shortcomings of liberalism. At the same time, his account of the growth of moral order in the individual offers a counterweight to excessively organicist theories of the moral self, which dissolve it into social context and undercut the possibility of non-social, non-trivial moral norms. This thesis argues that Bradley avoids this by complementing the contextual determination of individual ends with a developmental moral psychology that provides a conception (...)
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    Brief report.Nathan T. Deichert, William F. Flack & Francis W. Craig - 2005 - Cognition and Emotion 19 (6):941-951.
  25.  29
    Augustinian Just War Theory and the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq: Confessions, Contentions, and the Lust for Power.Craig J. N. De Paulo - 2011 - New York, NY, USA: Peter Lang Publishing.
    Augustinian Just War Theory and the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq: Confessions, Contentions and the Lust for Power,edited by Craig J. N. de Paulo, Senior Editor, et al. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2011. Details: A work concerning Augustine’s influence on Christian just war theory and the rhetoric of just war theorists from two symposia in addition to an Augustinian critique of the wars. Preface by Most Rev. Sean Cardinal O’ Malley, O.F.M. Cap., Archbishop of Boston. Foreword by Roland (...)
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  26. Stephen F. Barker. Number. The encyclopedia of philosophy, edited by Paul Edwards, The Macmillan Company & The Free Press, New York, and Collier-Macmillan Limited, London, 1967, Vol. 5, pp. 526–530. [REVIEW]William Craig - 1970 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 35 (2):300.
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    Automatic semantic edge labeling over legal citation graphs.Ali Sadeghian, Laksshman Sundaram, Daisy Zhe Wang, William F. Hamilton, Karl Branting & Craig Pfeifer - 2018 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 26 (2):127-144.
    A large number of cross-references to various bodies of text are used in legal texts, each serving a different purpose. It is often necessary for authorities and companies to look into certain types of these citations. Yet, there is a lack of automatic tools to aid in this process. Recently, citation graphs have been used to improve the intelligibility of complex rule frameworks. We propose an algorithm that builds the citation graph from a document and automatically labels each edge according (...)
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  28. Logic Through a Leibnizian Lens.Craig Warmke - 2019 - Philosophers' Imprint 19.
    Leibniz's conceptual containment theory says that singular propositions of the form a is F are true when the complete concept of being a contains the concept of being F. In this paper, I provide a new semantics for first-order logic built around this idea. The semantics resolves longstanding problems for Leibniz's theory and can represent, without possible worlds, both hyperintensional distinctions among properties and a certain kind of presumably impossible situation that standard approaches cannot represent. The semantics also captures the (...)
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  29.  9
    Recovering Hegel From the Critique of Leo Strauss: The Virtues of Modernity.Sara Jane MacDonald & Barry Craig - 2013 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    In Recovering Hegel from the Critique of Leo Strauss, Sara MacDonald and Barry Craig provide a study unique in its focus on Leo Strauss’s reading of Hegel. While MacDonald and Craig find value in Strauss’s thought, they argue that his pessimism concerning modernity lies in a misunderstanding of both modernity’s greatest philosophical advocate, G.W.F. Hegel, and modernity’s virtues.
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    Dewey, women, and weirdoes: Or, the potential rewards for scholars who dialogue across difference.Craig A. Cunningham, David Granger, Jane Fowler Morse, Barbara Stengel & Terri Wilson - 2007 - Education and Culture 23 (2):pp. 27-62.
    This symposium provides five case studies of the ways that John Dewey's philosophy and practice were influenced by women or "weirdoes" (our choices include F. M. Alexander, Albert Barnes, Helen Bradford Thompson, Elsie Ripley Clapp, and Jane Addams) and presents some conclusions about the value of dialoging across difference for philosophers and other scholars.
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    Book Review Section 2. [REVIEW]David Nyberg, James Palermo, Robert J. Skovira, James Leon, Jerome F. Megna, John W. Myers, Ruth W. Bauer, Spencer J. Maxcy, William E. Roweton, Robert Paul Craig, Paul A. Wagner, Cynthia Porter-Gehrie, David B. Gustavson & Royal T. Fruehling - 1980 - Educational Studies 10 (4):423-446.
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    Book Review Section 2. [REVIEW]Andrew J. Bush, George G. Noblit, Arthur W. Anderson, Don Hossler, Michael V. Belok, Harold Kahler, Robert Newton Burger, L. Glenn Smith, Virginia Underwood, Ruth W. Bauer, Joseph M. McCarthy, Albert E. Bender, E. Sidney Vaughan Iii, Joan K. Smith, Spencer J. Maxcy, Jorge Jeria, F. Michael Perko, Robert Craig & James Anasiewicz - 1981 - Educational Studies 12 (4):459-483.
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    William Lane Craig (ed.) Philosophy of religion: A guide and reader. (Edinburgh: Edinburgh university press, 2001). Pp. VI+634. £17.99 (pbk). ISBN 0 7486 1462. [REVIEW]S. F. - 2002 - Religious Studies 38 (3):371-373.
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  34. Review article. The view from no-when.Craig Callender - 1998 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 49 (1):135-159.
    In Philip K. Dick’s Counter-Clock World the direction of time flips in 1986, putting the Earth into what its inhabitants call the ‘Hogarth Phase’. Named after the scientist who predicted that ‘time’s arrow' would change direction, the Hogarth Phase is a period in which entropy decreases instead of increases. During this time the dead call from their graves to be excavated, people clean their lungs by ‘smoking’ stubs that grow into mature cigarettes, coffee separates from cream, and so on. Although (...)
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  35. Answers in search of a question: ‘proofs’ of the tri-dimensionality of space.Craig Callender - 2005 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 36 (1):113-136.
    From Kant’s first published work to recent articles in the physics literature, philosophers and physicists have long sought an answer to the question, why does space have three dimensions. In this paper, I will flesh out Kant’s claim with a brief detour through Gauss’ law. I then describe Büchel’s version of the common argument that stable orbits are possible only if space is three-dimensional. After examining objections by Russell and van Fraassen, I develop three original criticisms of my own. These (...)
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  36. "Relativism in the Arts": Edited by Betty Jean Craige. [REVIEW]F. Berenson - 1984 - British Journal of Aesthetics 24 (3):259.
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    Issues in philosophy and education.Robert P. Craig - 1974 - New York,: MSS Information.
    Rogers, C. R. and Skinner, B. F. Some issues concerning the control of human behavior.--Broudy, H. S. Didactics, heuristics, and philetics.--Craig, R. An analysis of the psychology of moral development of Lawrence Kohlberg.--Scudder, J. R., Jr. Freedom with authority: a Buber model for teaching.--Hook, S. Some educational attitudes and poses.--Strike, K. A. Freedom, autonomy, and teaching.--Elkind, D. Piaget and Montessori.--Raywid, M. A. Irrationalism and the new reformism.--Doll, W. E., Jr. A methodology of experience: the process of inquiry.--Neff, F. C. (...)
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  38.  18
    Craig Callender's What Makes Time Special? [REVIEW]Steven F. Savitt - 2018 - BJPS Review of Books.
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    Index Rerum et Nominum in Scholiis Servit et Aelii Donati Tractatorum. By J. F. Mountford and J. T. Schultz. Pp. ii + 205. Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. 1930. $3. [REVIEW]J. D. Craig - 1931 - The Classical Review 45 (05):201-.
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    The Metaphysics of Science By Craig Dilworth Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London, 1996, viii+235 PP-, £66. [REVIEW]F. Weinert - 1997 - Philosophy 72 (280):330-.
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    Galton's data a century later.Ronald C. Johnson, Gerald E. McClearn, Sylvia Yuen, Craig T. Nagoshi, Frank M. Ahern & Robert E. Cole - 1985 - American Psychologist 40 (8):875-892.
    Analyzed F. Galton's data on the sensory, psychomotor, and physical attributes of 1,639 females and 4,849 males. The reliability of the measures, developmental trends in mean scores, correlations of the measures with age, correlations among measures, occupational differences in scores, and sibling correlations are described. Developmental trends during later childhood, adolescence, and early maturity are compared to those described in contemporary developmental psychological literature.
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  42.  62
    Information algebras and consequence operators.Jürg Kohlas & Robert F. Stärk - 2007 - Logica Universalis 1 (1):139-165.
    . We explore a connection between different ways of representing information in computer science. We show that relational databases, modules, algebraic specifications and constraint systems all satisfy the same ten axioms. A commutative semigroup together with a lattice satisfying these axioms is then called an “information algebra”. We show that any compact consequence operator satisfying the interpolation and the deduction property induces an information algebra. Conversely, each finitary information algebra can be obtained from a consequence operator in this way. Finally (...)
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    William Lane Craig (ed.) Philosophy of Religion: A Guide and Reader. (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2001). Pp. vi+634. £17.99 (Pbk). ISBN 0 7486 1462 1. [REVIEW]W. F. S. M. - 2002 - Religious Studies 38 (3):371-373.
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    Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Motor Function in Children 8–12 Years With Developmental Coordination Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial. [REVIEW]Melody N. Grohs, Brandon T. Craig, Adam Kirton & Deborah Dewey - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Background and objectives: Developmental coordination disorder is a neurodevelopmental motor disorder occurring in 5-6% of school-aged children. It is suggested that children with DCD show deficits in motor learning. Transcranial direct current stimulation enhances motor learning in adults and children but is unstudied in DCD. We aimed to investigate if tDCS, paired with motor skill training, facilitates motor learning in a pediatric sample with DCD.Methods: Twenty-eight children with diagnosed DCD were randomized and placed into a treatment or sham group. Anodal (...)
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  45. In Search of Passing Time.Steven F. Savitt - 2020 - In Reinoud Jan Slagter & Zoltán Keresztes, Spacetime 1909 - 2019.
    I present an account of the passage of time and the present in relativistic spacetimes, and I defend these views against recent criticism by Oliver Pooley and Craig Callender.
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  46. An Institution-independent Proof of the Beth Definability Theorem.M. Aiguier & F. Barbier - 2007 - Studia Logica 85 (3):333-359.
    A few results generalizing well-known classical model theory ones have been obtained in institution theory these last two decades (e.g. Craig interpolation, ultraproduct, elementary diagrams). In this paper, we propose a generalized institution-independent version of the Beth definability theorem.
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    Rejoinder to Craig A. Cunningham, David Granger, Jane Fowler Morse, Barbara Stengel, and Terri Wilson, "Dewey, women, and weirdoes".Terry Fitzgerald - 2010 - Education and Culture 26 (2):83-86.
    It is a mixed pleasure to see F. Matthias Alexander acknowledged in the fall 2007 issue of Education and Culture ("Dewey, women, and weirdoes: Or, the potential rewards for scholars who dialog across difference," 23[2], 27-62). As a professional descendant of Alexander who has been teaching the Alexander Technique (AT) for 30 years, I am glad to see Cunningham et al. including him in the list of positive influences in John Dewey's life. However, I believe Cunningham's contribution to this article, (...)
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    A pantheist in spite of himself: Craig, Hegel, and divine infinity.Russell W. Dumke - 2016 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 80 (3):243-257.
    In his 2006 paper `Pantheists in Spite of Themselves: God and Infinity in Contemporary Theology,’ William Lane Craig examines the work of Wolfhart Pannenberg, Philip Clayton, and F. LeRon Shults, whose conceptions of God are influenced by Hegel. Craig shows that these thinkers’ Hegelian formulations lead to monism, despite their attempts to avoid it. He then attempts to refute Hegelian thinking by appealing to Cantor. I argue that that this refutation fails because Cantor and Hegel are far more (...)
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  49. Philosophy, medicine and humanism in Cesalpino's investigation into demons.Craig Martin - 2023 - In Fabrizio Baldassarri & Craig Martin, Andrea Cesalpino and Renaissance Aristotelianism. New York: Bloomsbury.
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    On Indexing: The Birth and Early Development of an Idea.Giancarlo Abbamonte & Craig Kallendorf - 2023 - Journal of the History of Ideas 84 (3):465-486.
    Incorporating techniques from book history into traditional intellectual history, this article traces the effective origin of indexing to the early printed editions of two lexicographical works, Lorenzo Valla's Elegantie and Niccolò Perotti's Cornu copiae, and then follows its development through the editions of the Roman poet Virgil published between 1500 and 1800. Indexing practices turn out to be tied to how books were read, with a new way of consuming books, which is labeled "transverse reading," emerging during this period.
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